Monday 19 April 2010


Hello bootiful friends

A quick PS before I jump to the main event tonight.

First a real big hello and thank you to all my new followers, I know you're only after that mushroom pincushion!   Not really, it's lovely to take you on my life adventure.

Second thank you to all my followers for the lovely encouraging and interesting comments.  I get just as much pleasure reading them as I do sharing my ramblings.  Don't be shy or brief, I really look forward to 'conversations'.

And now what you've all been waiting for......

The fittings for the cake stand were bought from woo-4-bits on Ebay, there may be others, but this is the one I found.  The drill bit is a 5mm diamond core drill.  This lady also sells these and supplies a template and wonderful instructions  to help you get it right.  There is a bit of a knack, but I must say my cakestand was only the second attempt by DH and the only reason he didn't use the first plate was that it was slightly off centre.

Good luck if you have a go yourselves and do show and tell!

Jenny x

1 comment:

Hi thanks for stopping by, but even better say hello. I love to read your comments and its also a way for me to meet you. I do read every coment but don't always have the time to find your email or web, so do pop back if you have asked a question as I will answer it here.xx